46 Western Parkway Business Park,
Lower Ballymount Road, Ballymount,
Dublin 12, Ireland.
Eircode: D12 VK61

Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 5.00pm
Closed for lunch: 1.00 - 2.00pm

RPM Vision Glazes 1020-1080°C

Brush-on glazes for 1020°–1060°C | RPM Vision Brush-on glazes are available in 500 ml jars, ready to use. They are highly concentrated. Stir the glaze thoroughly and apply the first coat on clean, dust-free biscuit ware with a brush. Every glaze is finely tuned and has its individual consistency. Apply a second coat when the first is dry. Depending on the thickness you might want to apply a third or forth coat. The glaze can soon be handled and you can then move your glazed work to the kiln. For best results however, allow the glaze to dry for a day before handling. The ideal firing temperature for nearly all brush-on glazes is about 1050°C. If the temperature is ‘soaked’ or held for 10–20 minutes, the glazes become smoother and many effects come out more markedly.

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